Pet Memorials

If you posted a pet memorial before 23rd June 2016 please click here to download a PDF to view the memorial pages from our old website.

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Click on the memorials below to see the tributes made in loving memory of the pets who are no longer with us and are greatly missed by our clients...

Harley the Dog

Harley - Loved by Leanne Clamp

Dog - aged 15

Passed 10/01/2024

Remi the Dog

Remi - Loved by Rachael Lee

Dog - aged 9

Passed 08/01/2024

Levi the Horse

Levi - Loved by Katie Moores

Horse - aged 13

Passed 29/12/2023

Jaffa the Dog

Jaffa - Loved by Sam and kirsty S l Tomlinson/mellings

Dog - aged 12

Passed 31/12/2023

Willow Gooch the Dog

Willow Gooch - Loved by Margaret Gooch

Dog - aged 12

Passed 19/12/2023

Boots the Cat

Boots - Loved by Katrina Jade Longstaff

Cat - aged 1

Passed 20/12/2023

Ollie the Dog

Ollie - Loved by Brenda Matthews

Dog - aged 16

Passed 20/12/2023

Neville the Guinea Pig

Neville - Loved by Eva Christodoulou-Turner

Guinea Pig - aged 5

Passed 27/12/2023

Missy the Dog

Missy - Loved by Sarah Skidmore

Dog - aged 7

Passed 24/11/2023

Sirius the Cat

Sirius - Loved by Sarah Wood

Cat - aged 4

Passed 26/11/2023

Molly the Dog

Molly - Loved by Joanne Louise Hewson

Dog - aged 11

Passed 17/12/2023

Isaac Falloon the Dog

Isaac Falloon - Loved by Colette Falloon

Dog - aged 13

Passed 01/12/2023